Wednesday, February 17, 2010
OII's position statement on the use of Dexamethasone during pregnancy

Friday, February 12, 2010
Fetal Cosmetology
Hilde Lindemann, Ellen K. Feder, and Alice Dreger, 02/08/2010
There’s a common misperception that, now that the Johns Hopkins psychologist John Money is gone, so are all the ethical problems with the way people with genital anomalies are treated. Not so.
You may recall that Money lied about the life of his patient David Reimer (known as “John/Joan”), who as a baby had been sex-changed on Money’s recommendation following a circumcision accident in which a physician burned off most of Reimer’s penis. Despite David’s actual later reversion to a male gender identity, Money used a false version of Reimer’s story to convince clinicians that children with atypical sex could be made into “acceptable” versions of girls or boys if you just did surgery early, did hormone treatments as necessary, and avoided having the patients understand much beyond the party line about their genders.
Complete article:
Bioethics Forum - Fetal Cosmetology
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
welcome to fetaldex.org
This site seeks to shed light on the practice by certain
To visit the website and for more information: Click here
More resources:
Advocates for Informed Choice Statement on Use of Dexamethasone in Pregnant Women Who May Be Carrying a Fetus Affected with CAH
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The gender police are back again

Excerpt from article:
"Gender issue" can mean just about anything, which is why the IOC uses the phrase. Scientists at the
In the eyes of the IOC, and obviously those in the medical world who dream up names for conditions that place people outside conventional sexuality, not being biologically absolutely a man or absolutely a woman is seen as a disorder.
Complete article: Click here
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Intersex and Medical Treatment

People who promote "corrective" surgeries and hormone treatment for intersex children believe intersex children will grow up to be adults who fall short of social norms. However, these beliefs are purely speculation because they have never taken the time to speak with intersex adults like myself who did not undergo surgery, or to do follow-up studies on the children whose bodies they irrevocably changed. Doctors simply decided that these bodies, which nature created, are not desirable. In my personal experience, this couldn't be further from the truth.