Sunday, March 1, 2009

Background information concerning Zucker's legal threats of Dr. Lynn Conway

Please keep in mind that Dr. Lynn Conway is being threatened with a lawsuit simply for linking to an article on the website of the Organisation Intersex International. You can watch the video of the interview on our own news service below.

To read the article on OII's website that Lynn Conway linked to, click here

To read the letter from the lawyer for Kenneth Zucker and the CAMH to Dr. Lynn Conway, click here

Obviously, the Organisation Intersex International is not going to remove anything and OII is going to continue informing people with documentation, investigations and data that can let people reach their own conclusions. OII is an organisation controlled by intersex people which works to allow as many different intersex voices as possible to be heard. OII has board members from every continent in the world with websites in Chinese, English, American English, French, Quebec French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Swedish and will soon have a complete service for the Arabic speaking community.

To read part of the complaint that the president of the Organisation Intersex International filed with the APA Ethics committee against Zucker: Click here

Kind regards,
Curtis E. Hinkle
Founder of the Organisation Intersex International


  1. So has The American Psychological Association formally acknowledged receipt of the Complaint and Request? What did they say?

    Or have they chosen to simply ignore the complaint?

  2. I cannot comment on this now. Sorry.
    Curtis E. Hinkle

  3. You know that HBS-NZ is behind you Curtis. The APA has already discredited itself, regardless of whatever happens next.

    It did so when it appointed a non-medically trained individual to head up this section of the DSM-v re-write!

