Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Evangelical Parliamentary Front denounces Infanticide

11 February 2009

Translated from the Portuguese by Curtis E. Hinkle
(Note from translator: Unfortunately, there seems to be little difference between the practices of this tribe and the current shift to DSD - Disorders of Sex Development - and the Chicago Consensus which also stigmatizes difference and is involved in genetic screening to eliminate "defective" children from being born. The only difference is the technology available which allows termination before birth.)
Original article:

In the Legislative Chamber, the Evangelical Parliamentary Front is going to put forward a petition to the Federal Public Prosecution Agency (MPF) so that the agency will investigate the cause of the death of the aboriginal child Tititu Suruwaha. The girl, who suffered from a congenital hormonal problem, is suspected to have died due to lack of medication which was passed over to the National Foundation of Health (Funasa).

Márcia Suzuki, President of the non-governmental organization (NGO) Atini Voice for Life (Atini Voz pela Vida), which is active in aboriginal villages, explained that soon after birth, the aboriginal child was victim of a village tradition of burying infants alive which are born with differences, in other words, infanticide. To prevent the murder of the child, the parents of Tititu left the village in search of treatment.

The child was born a pseudo-hermaphrodite with a hormonal deficiency. After the child had been operated on, the parents had returned to the village, but the girl needed to take the medication for the rest of her life. Funasa (the National Health Foundation) was responsible for getting the medication to the village which is in the Southeastern Amazon region.

The president of the Parliamentary Front, member of the House of Representatives João Campos (PSDB-GO), said it is necessary to identify who is responsible. "If anyone is identified as having collaborated in this death, responsibility will have to be determined and the public agency will need to respond accordingly."

Funasa reported that they are compiling a report from the team which was in charge of the girl's treatment, but that they do not yet know what date the document will be ready. The foundation reported however that Tititu had received medical care since she was born and that periodic examinations had been made in Manaus (AM).

In a bill passed today (11) in the Chamber, legislators, representatives of NGO's who work in aboriginal villages and the general public are exhorted to take public measures to prevent infanticide rituals in aboriginal villages.

According to Márcia Suzuki, some ethnic groups, such as the Kuikuro, Kamayurá, Ikpeng, located in the Alto Xingu, in Mato Grosso, practice infanticide. One of the alternatives to prevent mothers with defective babies from having to kill their children is to promote prenatal examinations.

"By doing this, we could prevent the mothers from having to face this problem. If the defect were identified in utero and still could not be cured during gestation, the mother would leave the village to have the child", argued Márcia.

She added that infanticide is also practiced in cases involving the birth of twins.

This is a service of the
Organisation Intersex International

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